نسر الاردن الادراة
عدد المساهمات : 197 السٌّمعَة : 0 تاريخ التسجيل : 09/05/2011 المزاج : رايق
| موضوع: كود احسب عمرك 2011-12-30, 1:50 am | |
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<!-- Begin function run() { with (document.agecalc) { dd = parseInt(day.selectedIndex) + 1; mm = parseInt(month.selectedIndex) + 1; yy = year.value; if (yy.length != 4 || isNaN(yy)) { document.agecalc.timealive.value = "فضلاً أدخل سنة ميلادك من 4 أرقام"; document.agecalc.year.select(); document.agecalc.year.focus(); return; } } days = new Date(); gdate = days.getDate(); gmonth = days.getMonth(); gyear = days.getYear(); if (gyear < 2000) gyear += 1900; age = gyear - yy; if ((mm == (gmonth + 1)) && (dd <= parseInt(gdate))) { age = age; } else { if (mm <= (gmonth)) { age = age; } else { age = age - 1; } } if (age == 0) age = age; document.agecalc.timealive.value = "عمرك " + age+ " سنة . . .\n\n"; if (mm <= (gmonth + 1)) age = age - 1; if ((mm == (gmonth + 1)) && (dd > parseInt(gdate))) age = age + 1; var m; var n; if (mm == 12) n = 31 - dd; if (mm == 11) n = 61 - dd; if (mm == 10) n = 92 - dd; if (mm == 9) n = 122 - dd; if (mm == 8) n = 153 - dd; if (mm == 7) n = 184 - dd; if (mm == 6) n = 214 - dd; if (mm == 5) n = 245 - dd; if (mm == 4) n = 275 - dd; if (mm == 3) n = 306 - dd; if (mm == 2) { n = 334 - dd; if (leapyear(yy)) n++; } if (mm == 1) { n = 365 - dd; if (leapyear(yy)) n++; } if (gmonth == 1) m = 31; if (gmonth == 2) { m = 59; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 3) { m = 90; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 4) { m = 120; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 5) { m = 151; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 6) { m = 181; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 7) { m = 212; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 8) { m = 243; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 9) { m = 273; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 10) { m = 304; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 11) { m = 334; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (gmonth == 12) { m = 365; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } months = age * 12; months += 12 - parseInt(mm); months += gmonth; totdays = (parseInt(age) * 365); totdays += age / 4; totdays = parseInt(totdays) + gdate + m + n; if (gmonth == 1) p = 31 + gdate; if (gmonth == 2) { p = 59 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) m = m+1; } if (gmonth == 3) { p = 90 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 4) { p = 120 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 5) { p = 151 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 6) { p = 181 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 7) { p = 212 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 8) { p = 243 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 9) { p = 273 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 10) { p = 304 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 11) { p = 334 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } if (gmonth == 12) { p = 365 + gdate; if (leapyear(gyear)) p++; } weeks = (age * 365) + n + p; weeks = weeks / 7; etcdays = parseFloat(weeks) - parseInt(weeks); etcdays = Math.round(etcdays * 7); weeks = parseInt(weeks); etcdays += parseInt(age / 4); if (etcdays > 7) weeks += parseInt(etcdays / 7); document.agecalc.timealive.value += " = " + weeks + " أسبوع\n"; document.agecalc.timealive.value += " = " + months + " شهر\n"; document.agecalc.timealive.value += " = " + totdays + " يوم\n"; var time = new Date(); ghour = time.getHours(); gmin = time.getMinutes(); gsec = time.getSeconds(); hour = ((age * 365) + n + p) * 24; hour += (parseInt(age / 4) * 24); document.agecalc.timealive.value += " = " + hour + " ساعة\n"; var min = (hour * 60) + gmin; document.agecalc.timealive.value += " = " + min + " دقيقة\n"; sec = (min * 60) + gsec; document.agecalc.timealive.value += " = " + sec + " ثانية "; mm = mm - 1; var r; if (mm == 0) r = 0; if (mm == 1) r = 31; if (mm == 2) { r = 59; if (leapyear(gyear)) m++; } if (mm == 3) { r = 90; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 4) { r = 120; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 5) { r = 151; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 6) { r = 181; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 7) { r = 212; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 8) { r = 243; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 9) { r = 273; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 10) { r = 304; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } if (mm == 11) { r = 334; if (leapyear(gyear)) r++; } mm = mm + 1; r = parseInt(r) + parseInt(dd);
if ((mm >= (gmonth + 1)) && (dd > gdate)) { bday = r - m - gdate; } else { if ((leapyear(gyear)) && ((mm > 2) && (dd < 29))) { a = 366; } else { a = 365; } bday = a + (r - m - gdate); } nhour = 24 - parseInt(ghour); nmin = 60 - parseInt(gmin); nsec = 60 - parseInt(gsec); while (bday > 366) bday -= 365; if (((bday == 366) && (leapyear(gyear)) || ((bday == 365) && (!leapyear(gyear))))) { document.agecalc.timealive.value += "\n\اليوم هو عيد ميلادك!"; } else { document.agecalc.timealive.value += "\n\الباقي لعيد ميلادك القادم:\n" + bday + " يوم " + nhour + " ساعة " + nmin + " دقيقة " + nsec + " ثانية"; setTimeout("run()", 1000); } } function leapyear(a) { if (((a%4 == 0) && (a%100 != 0)) || (a%400 == 0)) return true; else return false; } // End --> </script> <form name="agecalc" dir="rtl"> <div align="center" dir="rtl"> <center dir="rtl"> <table border="1" width="590" height="388" dir="rtl" bordercolor="#D8C494" cellspacing="1"> <tr> <td align="middle" bgColor="#F1E7C5" width="300" height="19" dir="rtl"> <p dir="rtl"><b><font color="#003399">أدخل تاريخ ميلادك بالتاريخ الميلادى </font></b> </td> </span></span> </span> </span> <tr> <td align="middle" width="300" height="361" dir="rtl"> <input onclick="run();" type="button" value="أحســب" name="start"> <select size="1" name="month"> <option selected dir="rtl">الشهر</option> <option dir="rtl">يناير</option> <option dir="rtl">فبراير</option> <option dir="rtl">مارس</option> <option dir="rtl">إبريل</option> <option dir="rtl">مايو</option> <option dir="rtl">يونيو</option> <option dir="rtl">يوليو</option> <option dir="rtl">أغسطس</option> <option dir="rtl">سبتمبر</option> <option dir="rtl">أكتوبر</option> <option dir="rtl">نوفمير</option> <option dir="rtl">ديسمبر</option> </select> <select size="1" name="day"> <option selected dir="rtl">اليوم</option> <option dir="rtl">1</option> <option dir="rtl">2</option> <option dir="rtl">3</option> <option dir="rtl">4</option> <option dir="rtl">5</option> <option dir="rtl">6</option> <option dir="rtl">7</option> <option dir="rtl">8</option> <option dir="rtl">9</option> <option dir="rtl">10</option> <option dir="rtl">11</option> <option dir="rtl">12</option> <option dir="rtl">13</option> <option dir="rtl">14</option> <option dir="rtl">15</option> <option dir="rtl">16</option> <option dir="rtl">17</option> <optiopleasen> <option dir="rtl">18</option> <option dir="rtl">19</option> <option dir="rtl">20</option> <option dir="rtl">21</option> <option dir="rtl">22</option> <option dir="rtl">23</option> <option dir="rtl">24</option> <option dir="rtl">25</option> <option dir="rtl">26</option> <option dir="rtl">27</option> <option dir="rtl">28</option> <option dir="rtl">29</option> <option dir="rtl">30</option> <option dir="rtl">31</option> </select> <input maxLength="4" size="4" value="السنة" name="year"> <br> <br> <textarea name="timealive" rows="12" cols="35"></textarea> <p align="center" dir="rtl"> <!-- START HOME FREE FOOTER CODE --> <!-- START OF WEBTRENDS LIVE TAG --> <!-- Copyright 1999-2000 WebTrends Corporation --> <!-- eCommerce Revenue Tracking (patent pending) --> <!-- Visit us at http://[url=http://www.webtrendslive.com/]www.webtrendslive.com[/url] --> <script language="JavaScript"> <!-- // You may customize the values of the variables below to suit your website. // Simply insert your own values between the double-quotes. // Here are some examples: // var ORDER= "D2,Business to Consumer,Pocket FM Radio,Audio Products,10,499.99;"; // var SERVER= "MyServerName"; // var CONTENTGROUP= "ContentGroupOfThisPage";
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